Saturday, August 26, 2006

Mornington (Schnapper Point), 26th Aug 2006

Quotation from Boon (25th Aug 2006):
"Picture this 5000 years back. The men after supper going out to hunt for tommorrow's food. While the ladies stays home and take care of the young. So this is not a recreational night for the guys, its a night we go to work."

The hunt expedition started at around 9pm. One and a half hours later, the hunt was still fruitless. As hunger sets in at around 10:30pm, the five guys were forced to look for alternative food source ... KFC !!!
Surprise! Surprise!
At 11:43pm, I caught an ugly looking seastar on my handline baited with pipis. Could this seastar be a protective native species ... Coscinasterias muricata ?

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Fishing at Warneet (19 August 2006)

The fishing craze has not stopped. As the spring approaches, the temperature gets warmer, and the hunger for catching any fish out of water increases.

Two new members joining us in this fishing expedition ... namely Stephen and Hsu.

This Warneet pier is different to the other pier. It is longer, which allows us to penetrate the deeper water.

Tanya was the only lucky one to catch something. But it turned out to be a poisonous inedible toad fish. But it was enough to earn herself the title "Angler of the week".