Sunday, September 24, 2006

Fishing at Warneet Jetty (24 August 2006)

This report is brought to you by Daniel and Tanya only, as they set out for a field research on a very cold windy morning. Congratulations to Tanya again for that excellent fine catch.
Sunday- 10.45 to 12.30pm. Here is our success!

It was gale force winds, freezing (temperature drop from 17 degrees to 9 degrees!), also snow forecasted in the Dandenongs! Blowfish was caught before rain. Edible fish (mullet) was caught in between rain bouts! The tips..... pipis!!!!! Keep the line short!!!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Fishing at Patterson River mouth (9-Sep-2006)

It was a full moon night with bright stars and clear sky. It was a cold quiet night of 7degC. The water at the river mouth was very calm. We were baited up with chicken breast meat. We lost a few Paternoster Rig as our line got snagged.

So what went wrong? . . . (no fish).

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Fishing at Patterson River mouth (2-Sep-2006)

The day was warmish of about 20degC. We decided to setup our fishing spot right at the river mouth. People on our left and right were pulling in mullets, and whitings of good sizes.

Despite trying our luck with soft plastics, lures, squid and silver baitfish; and Daniel praying hard for all of us (as shown in photo on the right), the day still ended up in frustration.