Friday, January 26, 2007

Rosebud beach

Today is Australia day. The sun was shining bright. Not a cloud in the sky. At a forecast of 30degC, it's was beautiful day. The gang and I, along with the wives, had been planning for this trip down to Rosebud for a few weeks now, to hunt pipis. The day started about 11:30am.

We took a spot on the white sandy beach, just beside the bushes. Ground mats all laid out, and a few food snacks. As the 1st minute tick by, we realized we forgot to bring beach tent, beach umbrellas and a camera (hence no photo of the beautiful beach ... will be better organized next time).

Hunting for pipis was hard work, but fun. The water was shallow and relatively warm. With pails in one hand, and the other hand digging into the sea sand. Pipis here and pipis there, pipis everywhere. Some had Sea Anemones stuck to their shells. These Sea Anemones caused me (and Boon) a lot of work of removing them before cooking them.
After 1.5 hours of hunting pipis, the boys turned to fishing with fresh pipis as baits. We walked into the clear water about 100 meters from the shore to cast. The water level were up to our tummy.
Daniel caught a white flathead fish (about 30cm). Well done, Daniel!

The pipis were cooked into 2 flavours:
1) Garlic, lemon grass, red chillies and white wine.
2) Garlic, black bean and red chillies.

The flathead fish was steamed to perfection.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Warneet Jetty (13-Jan-2006)

Here we are ... at it again. We arrived at around 8:30pm. It's around 9pm now. The tide has been subsiding since about 7:40pm. Quite a few people along a jetty. We spotted one angler with a mullet in the bucket. Our was empty ... sigh!!! Bait used tonight were frozen pipis. Rig used on my rod was a pasternoster rig. The temperature was around 16degC.