Saturday, July 29, 2006

Fishing at Warneet, Victoria (29 July 2006)

Warneet is a beautiful, peaceful town with 3 beautiful little pier. This is one of them; do not exactly know what the name of this pier is. Fishing started at around 3:30pm with Boon/Rita and Daniel/Tanya. It lasted till around 6pm. We were bombarded with rain and small hailstones. My hands were freezing. I was armed with a raincoat and rainpants.

I will have to get myself one of those chemical hand warmer from Ray Outdoor's shop.

No fish was caught.

At around 8pm, we ended up back in Daniel/Tanya's place for a pizza dinner, and went to Mornington Pier to have a second try of fishing. Still no luck. Another cold night with no fish biting.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Fishing at Mornington (Schnapper Point) 23, July 2006

It has been approximately 2.5 years since I have last gone fishing. This fishing trip started right after a dinner in a Thai restaurant with friends (Daniel/Tanya and Boon/Rita).

We can't remember exactly how the conversation of fishing started during the meal. But there we were at around 9:15pm.

Fortunately for us, the temperature was around 6 or 7 degree Celsius (not too cold) that night.

At approximately 9:51pm, I managed to catch my first decent fish ... ever!!! A Red Rock Cod, 30cm in length.The fish was gutted at home. And surprise, a baby fish which appeared to be baby Snapper was found in its tummy.