Saturday, July 29, 2006

Fishing at Warneet, Victoria (29 July 2006)

Warneet is a beautiful, peaceful town with 3 beautiful little pier. This is one of them; do not exactly know what the name of this pier is. Fishing started at around 3:30pm with Boon/Rita and Daniel/Tanya. It lasted till around 6pm. We were bombarded with rain and small hailstones. My hands were freezing. I was armed with a raincoat and rainpants.

I will have to get myself one of those chemical hand warmer from Ray Outdoor's shop.

No fish was caught.

At around 8pm, we ended up back in Daniel/Tanya's place for a pizza dinner, and went to Mornington Pier to have a second try of fishing. Still no luck. Another cold night with no fish biting.

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