Saturday, October 07, 2006

Warneet Jetty (7-Oct-2006)

The leatherjacket story !!!This trip was made by me and Daniel only. We arrived at around 7:30am, with the lowest tide. We were the only one there. High tide reached peak at around 12pm.

Both of us was using pasternoster rig with size 6 or 8 hooks. I was feeling very confident that I would catch a few mullets ... after all Daniel/Tanya had been successful in their past two trips.

Other anglers started coming in at around 9:30am.

While we were there, a young man reeled in four King George Whitings. A few others reeled in mullets.
A leatherjacket was caught by Daniel at around 10:25am.
Size limit: 20cm. (from the website - Department of Primary Industries and Water website)

We left the jetty at 12pm, feeling upset, because Daniel was unable to duplicate his previous success, and I ... well ... empty-handed again.
Daniel ended up giving me the fish because he said he does not know how to gut this little sucker.

We didn't know the legal size limit during the trip because leatherjacket legal size was not listed on the jetty size scale. This fish measured 18cm. If we had known this earlier, we would have released it back into the water immediately. We sworn we won't never do this again after today.

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